Hello and welcome to our new blog spot. Just few words before we start, am really excited about this interview because my connection with the band is going back to 2012 around November when Seb (Guitar) sent me a text about the band’s first recorded songs and I really dig into them. But lets take the story from the begging, before the tears start falling from the memories!! :P
Tumbleweed Dealer how / why and when everything get started?
Around April of 2012 I got a new computer and a buddy of mine installed me a recording program with integrated drum machine, I started dicking around and just recording the first ideas that came into my head. I kept it simple because I wasn't used to recording myself or the recording program itself. Also, thats around the time I started smoking weed again. So I'd get high and record some shitty sounding demos that were getting better and better, the last of which I have made available on bandcamp as our 'Unreleased Demo'.
Eventually a good friend and former bandmate of mine, Felix Roberge, listened to some of my tracks and offered to program a decent drum machine. We worked together and released the 'Death Rides Southwards EP' and it's around that time I started taking the project seriously. When I wrote the closing song for the EP, Resurrected Yet Again, I really found my sound, adding layers and layers of guitars on top of each other and building crescendos. I started working on a full length album. Me and Felix quickly realised this would warrant a real drummer, so I got Carl from Dopethrone on board and we recorded our debut album just a few weeks later after having jammed together just the one time.
Correct me if am wrong but all this started because Seb wanted to express his inner feelings into a music, what was missing in your previously band’s and you wanted to make this side project?
I don't know about inner feelings, I'm known to be pretty cold and apathetic, anyone who knows me would laugh at the mere mention of my 'inner feelings' but I really needed an outlet to compose in. I've played in various bands, but that's just the thing, I PLAYED in them, I was never the main composer, it was never my music. I needed a band in which I could create my own music, my own sound. Also, I have always wanted to do something a lot less metal-orientated but it just never happened.
I wouldn't call Tumbleweed Dealer a side project though since I haven't been a member of a band since I've started it, and it is my main priority... well, my ONLY proprity, although I do plan to start/join a heavier project eventually.
Which was the influences that T.D. has into their music?
At first, I had just discovered Earth, that was a huge influence. Also, Horseback's The Invisible Mountain. I loved those 2 albums and couldn't believe their werent more bands out there working with the western soundtrack feel those bands have.
Since then though we've added a lot of influences, from post-rock to math-rock, and we've got quite a bit of 'bounce' and 'groove' on our upcoming 2nd album.
So the time passes and we are at April 2013 when the first LP released. How hard was the process of making this first complete attempt?
It was hard because we didn't know what we were doing, and we'd book everything right away and just figure stuff out on the fly. I recorded my guitar parts at home without the proper knowledge of the recording process. Felix had to come over and help me re-record half of the album a few weeks before we went into the studio for the rythm section.
I wrote a lot of the basslines very last minute, and me and Carl only jammed once. I wrote the bassline for 'March Of The Dead Cowboys' 2-3 days before the recoridng, emailed it to him and basicly told him 'We'll figure it out in the studio'. Now keep in mind we're not a big budget band, we had only one day to record bass and drums.
We recorded both at the same time, with me sitting in the boot playing bass next to Carl giving him non-verbal instructions. We didn't discuss anything and just hit record and thats the first take you hear of March of The Dead Cowboys on the record.
The end of the song kind of just happened organicly, I wanted to remove the guitar solo and add a bass solo instead, and we weren't sure how we'd end the song, when we started recording it I just soloed over the guitar solo and carl just kept going, and the whole thing worked and we kept it. A lot of the rythm section on the album is improvised.
How was the feeling to corporate with Carl Borman ( Drummer at Dopethrone )? And who else helped to make this LP ?
It was awesome, he got the mood of the band right away, and he was the perfect drummer for that album. Jean-Baptiste Joubaud of studio Lantiez worked hard on cleaning up my guitar tracks, re-amping them, and recording the rythm section. He has been our official studio guy since then. Felix Roberge helped out a lot as mentionned before. And Alex Goulet provide the artwork that cimented everything together.
How was the feedback for the Tumbleweed Dealer LP?
Mostly good, we got good reviews, a lot of people were talking about 'potential' and at first I was upset because I thought the album was good on itself, not the promise of better things to come, but when we started working on the second album everything stepped up a notch and now I view the first album as full of potential as well.
To change the subject a little bit. Tell us some things about your lives and how music in general affects it in daily routine?
I've got an IPOD with over 17 200 songs and I spend way too much time searching for new music on youtube. I love discovering a whole new genre/subgenre and grabbing all the albums within it, discovering it's evolution, reading up on it's history on wikipedia etc.
How is the music scene in your country? Are there opportunities to promote this genre of music that you are into?
Their will be when we start playing shows, other than that it's just promoting on the internet, same as every other country.
Which are the bands future plans?
We are going into the studio in 2 weeks to finish up the recording of an upcoming single and our second album. Not long after that we'll release the single, a re-recording of an old song off of The EP, which features our new bassist Miguel Valade (ex-Ion Dissonance and Negativa) and our session drummer who's identity will be announced when we hit the studio for the recording. A few weeks after that, TDII will be coming out, featuring me on guitar and bass and our session drummer. We'll be announcing the title, artwork and track list a week or two before it's release. All of this will go down before the summer so the next few months will be busy for us, and after that we will concentrate on settling our drummer situation as Carl no longer has the time coloborate with us, and get ready to hit the stage.
Thanks once more for this interview. The last section is “Free Mode” say whatever you want to close this interview.
Keep an eye on our facebook page we'll be announcing a lot of stuff in the following weeks!
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