Tell us few words about Belzebong when, how and why you get started ?
Alky dude: Well, it all started a couple of years ago in the woods, when we meet the gypsy clairvoyant with a bat on a string and a rat on the shoulder, that gave us old, dusty, damp-smelling bong, that we unfortunately broke, and the Bong Jinni came outside and cursed us to play. Or was it the toothless midget with two-headed dragon at the back? Dunno remember well now.
If someone hasn’t heard anything from you, how would you describe your music and which bands would you use as references?
A: All the shit slow and heavy, with a bit of bluesy and psychedelic tunes I think.
How is the underground scene at Poland ?
Well, there are some good bands, some a bit worse. Some come and some go. There are some stoner/sludge/doom oriented promoters that do a good work with the booking and events. There are people coming for this events, and those who prefer to sit at home with their mp3's. You can't generalize, that it's a good or bad “scene”. It's like in each and every country I guess. It's slowly rolling and that's good.
What's your opinion about music promotion through all this internet media options? Is it helpful or could be bad sometimes too ?
A: “Internet is the Satan's machine” so they say! And we answer – Bong Yeah!
What’s the current status of the band ? Any new stuff comes out in the near future like Ep / Lp or whatever ?
A: New material is almost ready and will be releases soon this year. Can't give any details by now, but blessed are those who are waiting, for their is the kingdom of Pan!
Because it’s early 2014 at the moment what was the best moment for the band for 2013? And what you hope for this year ?
A: For sure our April2013 tour, where we hit the bong with many cool as hell bands, visited lots of places/venues etc. For this year, we're gonna do the same, but even more quantified and amplified as well.
It’s the first time that you are play a gig in the land of goat-bodied God Pan how you feel about it ? and what you expect for the Greek audience ?
A: Yup, that's the first time. We'd gonna cover the Olympus with smoke, so the Pan himself would join us with the thousands of other Goat Youngs altogether with Dyonisos! As for the audience, we expect their weed in any quantity. And btw. Charon is also welcome!
A: We played with Lucky Funeral and Planet of Zeus as far as my leaky brain tells me. And, yeah, we meet those guys from Weathers I think, on a ferry to Dover. Funny adventure it was :) But mostly, I really dig the old skull Greek black metal. Early stuff from Thou Art Lord, Necromantia, or Rotting Christ are one of my all time favs, as I grow up on this music.
Thanks once more for this interview. The last section is “Free Mode” say
whatever you want to close this interview.
The king is green! He's in Bongossa now. You have been warned!!
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