New season is about to start and the calendar is already filled with huge gigs. One of them is the Fall of Doom at Gagarin 205. 7 international massive bands are in the lineup, one of them is Sons of Otis and they spared some time to talk to us. Here it is what we said.
SONS OF OTIS : how/why/when/where did it start?
It all began in the fall of 1992. Just some friends jamming in the basement in Toronto Canada. The plan was only to do 1 show. There was a bar in town with a well known showcase night for new bands, so we thought lets give it a try. There were no heavy bands around at the time and we knew it would be interesting to say the least. We crushed the place and the fever hit. The rest is…….history.
When did you first see "Henry: a portrait of a killer" and what was it about it that made such an impression on you? Why Otis and not Henry?
I saw Henry when it came out. It was heavy, and it was based on real serial killers. It was very dark, not your typical Hollywood movie. I just thought the name OTIS would be good for a heavy band. Plus I hadn`t
heard anyone using the name OTIS. As time went on, i`ve come across lots of OTIS`s. People always tell me about their OTIS incounters.
You've been through some serious shit with labels and the drummer changes. What is it about your music that made you keep going?
Some silly shit for sure. I`m not a quitter. That`s not my style. I/we enjoy playing music and will continue to do so no matter what.
What's the most beloved piece of equipment that the band owns/uses?
Well…the band uses vintage gear and it`s all very, very important to us. So it`s difficult to narrow it down to one piece. We love it all.
Describe to us the band’s daily/weekly routine.
We all have full time jobs, so that takes up most of our time. Unfortunately we only get to jam on Sundays at the studio.
What's the most rewarding part of your music-making process?
Playing live for the people. That is the drug.
You’ve been a band since 1992, what's your advice to the newcomers in the industry?
Just to be original and true to yourself. Play what you dig.
When can we expect a new record?
We’re working on new songs now. We`ve got 4 or 5 together, but i`m not sure when a new record will come out. Eventually.
What are the biggest challenges you had to face with producing your own album?
There really aren`t any challenges now. It`s a bitch when you have a record label telling you what to do. I know what my music should sound like, not some label clowns.
We are done! This is the famous FREE-MODE section, you can say whatever you want to end this interview. On behalf of the Full Throttle (Radio Show) it was an honor talking to you and we are looking forward to your performance on the 17 th of September at Gagarin 205.
I would just like to thank all the fans that have supported us over the years. We greatly appreciate it. Blows the Mind….Cools the Head.
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