The Progressive - Math Metal band Tardive Dyskinesia from Greece are about to release their 4th studio album named "Harmonic Confusion" via Playfalse Records on 9 September 2016.
Τετάρτη 31 Αυγούστου 2016
Tardive Dyskinesia »Harmonic Confusion«
The Progressive - Math Metal band Tardive Dyskinesia from Greece are about to release their 4th studio album named "Harmonic Confusion" via Playfalse Records on 9 September 2016.
Τρίτη 30 Αυγούστου 2016
Stonerror released »Rattlesnake Moan«
The Psychedelic Stonerpunk band Stonerror from Poland released their debut album named "Rattlesnake Moan" on 8 March 2016 via My Shit In Your Coffee.
Παρασκευή 26 Αυγούστου 2016
Sons Of Otis Interview

New season is about to start and the calendar is already filled with huge gigs. One of them is the Fall of Doom at Gagarin 205. 7 international massive bands are in the lineup, one of them is Sons of Otis and they spared some time to talk to us. Here it is what we said.
SONS OF OTIS : how/why/when/where did it start?
It all began in the fall of 1992. Just some friends jamming in the basement in Toronto Canada. The plan was only to do 1 show. There was a bar in town with a well known showcase night for new bands, so we thought lets give it a try. There were no heavy bands around at the time and we knew it would be interesting to say the least. We crushed the place and the fever hit. The rest is…….history.
Αλλαγή χώρου για το Howler edition του Smoke the Fuzz Fest, λόγω αυξημένης ζήτησης..!
Η προπώληση συνεχίζεται επίσης κανονικά (στις ήδη ανακοινωμένες τιμές).
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Σημεία διάθεσης:
Εμμανουήλ Μπενάκη 74, Εξάρχεια
τηλ. 210 384 1550
Metal Era
Εμμανουήλ Μπενάκη 22, Εξάρχεια
τηλ. 2103304133
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