Τετάρτη 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Asteroid Interview

Isn't fun to be busy as f**k but atleast i had the opportunity to make this interview and im happy about it which is nice.
Hello Asteroid, I am really happy to have the opportunity to make this interview because I thought that we would not see you again on stage. But this changed around X-mas time, what made you reunite?

Hey! Well, it's my pleasure. Yeah, there was a very real chance that you had seen the last of Asteroid. But I think what drove us to give it another go was that we missed playing together first of all, and second I felt there was still a lot of really groovy songs that needed to be written and whom better to do that with than Johannes and Elvis, you know. Magic always happen when we start to jam!
It wasn’t only that you reunited for a couple of shows but you are in the making of a new album “Asteroid: III” and you have already signed with Fuzzorama Records. That was the plan or it just happened?

Yep, right you are! We'll start recording the new album in April, and if everything works out as planned the new album will be released in the middle of September. We didn't have any plan at all when we first got back together... We just played some songs and had a good time. As soon as we started talking about a new record, Fuzzorama Records was the first on a very short list of possible people to work with. We know those guys since way back and we also know where they live if stuff don't turn out the way we want it to ;)

But let’s take the story from the beginning : when / how / why was this band formed?

Ok, let's see... We formed some time in the winter of 2004, I think. Things seem to get a big hazy when you reach a certain age. But something like that. Back then it was me, Johannes and Martin. He was the drummer on the first recordings with the band. As for the how; Me and Martin had recorded with our former band in the studio where Johannes was playing at the time and we got drunk and decided to form a band, as one does when drunk. The difference was that this time we actually did.

For the people that don’t have a clue about your band how you could describe your sound and the band in general?

There it is: The hardest question of them all! Hehe... But ok, here it goes. We play some sort of bluesy hard rock, let's start with that. Some psychedelia and 60's influences with some Swedish folk music-vibes and plenty of meaty stoner-ish riffing. There's three of us in the band, me (Robin) on guitar and vocals, Johannes on bass and vocals and Elvis on drums and random misdemeanors :) Oh yeah, we jam a lot, both live and when making our records.

Sweden delivers great music over the past decade, do you feel competitive with other bands?

No, not at all actually! Sweden has a great climate for rock bands and we are very proud to be a part of it. The problem here is that there should be more venues to play in...

The pre-production for the new album has already begun. How do you feel about that? Any side story that you want to share with us?

We're right in the middle of it, yes. And it feels great, things are moving forward as planned you might say. We got a couple of tracks down and they sound awesome, then we took a break from writing to concentrate on rehearsing for the upcoming shows. But as soon as we get back from Athens we're getting back to the new stuff again. We got a pretty tight schedule this time around, as we start recording on the 1st of April and have only given ourselves two weeks to finish the entire record. Just because we want to get the new stuff out there as soon as possible.

6 years have gone by since “II” release and 4 years since the 7” vinyl release. Do you feel anxious about the upcoming album? Do you think that your fans will have high expectations of you after the long break?

A bit I guess, but not as much as I thought I would. I think it's got to do with how the songs are developing... After all these years we know what we are doing musically, and it shows in the songs. They all have that Asteroid-vibe to them. As for expectations, there are a lot of them about everything in life, but we do what we've always done, write music that we would like to hear ourselves. That usually does the trick :)

Which are the major differences with the previous releases?

It's more focused this time I think. The previous albums took a lot longer to write and was also harder... This time it comes more natural in some strange way. Like the songs were just waiting to get written. Otherwise it's got everything that we think an Asteroid record should have, and then some!

You will visit our country for the first time with All Them Witches at Gagarin 205, Athens and The Noise Figures as your opening act. The lineup is really impressive, how do you feel about that gig?

We have really been looking forward to it since it got decided. What better way to play for our greek audience for the first time! We've picked up one or two older songs just for you guys as well, so it's gonna be one hell of a night, that's for sure!

This is the famous “Free Mode” section, say whatever you want to say to end this interview. We are looking forward to seeing you on stage at Gagarin 205, Athens with All Them Witches & The Noise Figures on the 27th of February.

If you see our Nr.1 Dude wandering around the venue, give him a great big hug, he loves hugs!
We'll see you all soon!
Robin / Asteroid

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