How did this band started?
Honestly, don’t know, i joined the band after the third album, Hydra.
Which are your influences? And how do you describe your sound?
We have a wide variaty of influences. Even if most of us our stoner fans we all listen to all kinds of
music. Andy is a huge Soundgarden fan but i know i halso enjoys Coldplay a lot. I’m in a ”metal
phase”, listning alot to Slipknot and stuff like that but I also listen to alot of country and
singer/songwriters. And i guess you have the description of our sound right there, we play hard rock with a toutch of stoner, a toutch of pop... haha,
What does “Deville” means for you?
Well, I guess you mean ”the name” Deville? It don’t mean anything, it’s our name, you’ll need a
name for a band. It’s that simple.
Sweden has delivered fine music the last years, do you feel that you need extra effort to be competitive with the other bands?
Not really, the competition is hard, off course, but we don’t play sweden that much anyway...
Actually, not many bands do, it’s such a small country. We see Europe as our scene.
“Make it belong to us” is your fourth album which are the main differencies from your past releases?
It’s the first record I’m on!! Haha. And I think this record is more spontanious. It was written and
recorded within less the five or six months. And in mine opinion it has a much more live feel to it
then our previous albums. a more simple production with a heavier sound.
Your latest album released via Fuzzorama Record, how did this deal happened?
The fuzzo guys are our friends since way back. So we sent a demo of the songs we hade written for the album and they liked it.
Which was the hardest part in your recording process?
Holding back on guitar solos and instrumential parts! We set the goal early to cut all unnessesery
parts out. Thats not as easy as it sounds..
Any touring plans for your new record?
Yes! We play Greece for the first time in January. Then the spring will be full of shows thoughout Europe.
This is your first time in Athens, how you feel about that?
We’re psyched!
This is the famous “free mode” section. Say whatever you want to end this interview. See you at Death Disco stage with Cellar Dog and The Mound Sat 16/1.
Fight racisim, have a beer, stay cool. Cheers
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