Hello Takis and thanks for your invitation. Things are going well at the moment.
Can you give a brief description for people not familiar with the band, like how and where things started?
Tuber started as a duo by me (John) and my brother Nick when we were studying at Rethimno - Crete, about 12 years ago. However, the band was full formed in 2010 when Paris joined us. A couple of years later Yannis became the fourth member of the band.
You perform instrumental songs. Which bands do you feel influenced you the most and why did you choose not to include lyrics in your songs?
Our music references come mainly from blues-rock music but we can’t name a specific artist or band. We are influenced by everything we learn or love to hear.
To write instrumental music is just a matter of what feels more natural to us at the moment.
You are going to perform this summer in two European festivals (Freak Valley Festival in Germany and Voinegovtsi Wrong Fest in Bulgaria) Not bad for a band that it is only 5 years old and coming from a very small scene .How this transition began?
In a very simple way, we think. Jens from Freakvalley and Ruslan from Wrongfest came in touch and invited us to join this year’s line up. We are very thankful to both of them for this opportunity.
Desert Overcrowded is your latest work. How things went during its recording?
It wasn’t as easy as we thought it’d be! It was a six month process which had it all. A lot of joy and a lot of work, agreements and disagreements, moments of disappointment and times of redemption. It was a very interesting time that made us reconsider our perception about the project. It also helped us to be more patient to each other.
What was the best and what your worst moment as a band?
Playing your music and interact with other people it’s definitely a unique moment for the band. And some of these live performances have been pretty special. On the other side, there were moments where, for some reason, we couldn’t meet our expectations. These were times of confusion!
Are you full time musicians or you have other skills to pay the bills?
No, we all have our daily jobs.
What are your plans for the near future? What should the fans expect from Tuber?
At this time we are working on a new project with some good friends and the new record of course.
Guys, thanks for your time.We are entering the ‘’free mode’’ section.That means that you can give shout-outs and say whatever you like to finish this interview.We are looking forward to your gig in Iera Odos along with Planet of Zeus and Wish Upon a Star in 4th April 2015.
We are looking forward to meet Planet of Zeus and Wish Upon a Star on stage. Be well and see you there.
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