First thing comes first, Cancer Bats, when, how & why this band started?
Liam and I (Scott) started the band in May 2004, just for fun as a side project band between our other main bands. I would travel 6 hours by train from Toronto to Montreal and we would jam and write songs. Eventually we got a drummer and a bassist and I produced our first EP. We seem to get attention right away with our live shows and people really liked our recording, so we got signed by Distort records not long after that.
Why you called the band “Cancer Bats” isn’t bit weird, I mean for the most people?
Maybe its weird for most people who’ve never listened to metal or punk music before? I don’t think its strange at all. We had the name before we started the band and thought it would sound awesome for a heavy band. It was easy to remember and easy to spell. It fit the music we were trying to write perfectly and I still think its awesome.
If someone hasn’t heard your music, how would you describe it and which band's would you use as references?
We’re a mix of many styles and genres. Crossover? Punk Metal? Sludge-rock? Stoner-punk? Alt-thrash? haha Whatever I don’t care about genres, we’re heavy, we have influences of all types of metal, hardcore, and punk rock. We definitely have a classic Sabbath influence in our riffs too. I’d say if you can listen to Sabbath, Suicidal Tendencies, Pantera, Tragedy, Down, Rancid, White Zombie, Metallica, Soundgarden, Clutch or Rage Against the Machine you could probably get down with Cancer Bats in some way! haha.
Your new album called “Searching for Zero” is going to be out around March, how was the recording process?
The recording process was awesome, we went to california to record with Ross Robinson at his house. It was super fun, and the most exciting and intense recording experience we’ve had. He challenged us and made us play our asses off in the studio! it was great!
Which are the big changes from your other albums?
We recorded most of the album to analogue tape which was super cool. Ross really got a lot more emotions out of us on this recording. We experimented with new sounds and effects like crazy. We were adding samples and atmospheric noises like crazy. It was really a fun and creative atmosphere!
Which one was the hardest moment of creating the new album?
When Ross Robinson made us all put hot sauce in our eyes before we sang gang vocals on Satellites !
How is the local scene at your hometown, which you did your first steps? At this point i need to say R.I.P. to Jonathan Athon (Black Tusk) as far as i know isn't from Toronto, but he is part of the scene and more than a month passed from that accident, but i didn't had the chance to say it.
Toronto has always been amazing for music of all genres. I grew up listening to so many amazing metal and hardcore bands here like : Monster Voodoo Machine, The Swarm, Mundane, Soulstorm, Day Of Mourning, Grift and a million others! There were no rules, and everyone was super creative, and all these bands of different styles would play together! It was really inspiring.
Yes, its such a fuckin bummer that we lost Athon. He was a great dude, and lived his life very full on like few others do. I feel so bad for his family and friends. It’s hard to believe we were touring together a year ago.
Your gigs are full of energy, how you can manage that?
Music is fun as hell, and we always have a great time performing! The crowd gives us superhuman energy and always puts a smile on our faces. I can’t wait to get out on the road again!
Shall we hope a Greek gig in your upcoming European tour ?
Sadly no, but hopefully later in 2015! We love Greece! The people are amazing, the football is crazy, the history is vast and the country is so beautiful. It’s really special every time we go there. I just wish it was a lot closer for us to play, so we could go there more often, as our concerts there are so badass every time!
This is the famous “Free Mode” section, say whatever you want to end this awesome interview.
I hope you all take the time to buy a copy of our new album and headbang to it like crazy!! We hope to see you all on tour and appreciate your amazing support year after year!
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