Long story short: three friends that got together to play rock and roll. Since 2007, we are who we are.
Which are the influences of the band? You still have the same or they ‘re changing as the time passes?
We’re not the type of band that has the sound of another one in mind. People change and so do influences and so did our sound. We got influenced in the past by bands we like way more than we are these days. Attitudes and vibes of other bands can influence you in a certain way, but it’s unhealthy when you´ve been a self respecting band for quite some time, to try and mimic another band. Of course, the occasional reference or nod is funny to do. Our influences are pretty diverse though and are different among the three of us I guess.
What’s the band current status?
Active, captain Kirk.
We all know about a new album coming soon! What’s the difference to your older albums?
Better production and better songs, haha. It’s a logical next step from where we stopped with CTYA and the split record with Sungrazer. In other words, more on the heavy side. But, we returned to our jammy/ instrumental/psychedelic phase as well. On the other hand, we went more into actual song writing (again) with nice vocal melodies. I’d like to think that my singing is still improving with each record, which is cool. Actually, it has all ingredients of seven years of The Machine, put into one record and performed by The Machine, version 2014. A sort of “Best Of” with new songs haha.
How is the recording process for you?
The best. I love studio work, but that’s also because I’m our producer as well. It is fun to record a new record. Every album is a new challenge, because I want, no NEED, to improve the production quality of every new release. No one taught me anything so it’s all about making mistakes and learning from them. Over the years I (and with that our productions) became better and better and it’s a learning curve I want to continue.
So, I guess with the new album release you will start touring around Europe?
Probably not, we hope to release it before the end of the year. Some things have to be finalized before that’s possible though. For various reasons, we won’t be able to do a full tour before spring 2015 or something. So we’ll see.
Also, for the Led Zeppelin fans and your fans of course, you will be featured on a "psych" Led Zeppelin tribute album. Which song will you perform? And when will this tribute be released?
Yeah, that’s a cool one! We will record our version of “Nobody’s Fault But Mine”. We chose that one because the singing isn’t insane and the instrumental part lends itself for a The Machine version. It’s easy to make the riffing heavier while still staying true to the Zeppelin version somehow. Plus it’s a heavy blues song in its pure form, which is what made Led Zeppelin the band they were in the first place. We have to turn in our recording before November, so I guess the release will be early next year or something.
How do you feel about your upcoming live gigs in Greece and what do you expect from the Greeks?
It’s another country we can add to our growing list which is nice! We expect lots of gyros and crazy energetic live shows.
It’s your first time here in Greece. Any Greek band that you like and want to mention?
Demis Roussos of course. Uh I don’t know that many Greek bands besides 1000 Mods, we played with them some time ago. Cool guys. Our support bands will be Craang (Thessaloniki) and Human Asteroid (Athens). Will be checking them out for sure.
The last section is the famous “Free Mode”. Say whatever you want to close this interview!! Once again thank you and see you at Six Dogs 26/9.
You’re welcome man! I usually make a supposedly funny remark while in Free Mode, so maybe it’s better to not do that because I’m running out of supposedly funny remarks and it will be boring. On the other hand, I really took it easy on the Free Mode with the two other interviews I just did, so I have some energy left for a good Free Mode. I guess. I could say that we’re really looking forward to the shows and all that stuff and that we hope to see a lot of you there, which is true, but also quite obvious. The only reason that we’re coming to Greece, is the fact that we’re food lovers and that we’re looking forward to some nice catering. To hell with the shows! We’re only in it for the food. Hmm some nicely grilled fresh meat with baked potatoes on the side. Not too much salad, just a little bit to complement the rest. I’m not into sauces (I like my meat pure!), but the other guys are, and I’m quite certain that they’re already having sweet dreams about some home made tzatziki. Or maybe just about the cucumbers and fresh yoghurt, you never know with those boys right. Some ouzo here and there will certainly be happening. For those crazy boys, not for me, I’m straight edge. Of course. Let them have my alcohol fuck up their minds. Bye!
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